Visiting Villa Lucero with a prospective investor
Visiting Villa Lucero with a prospective investor
15 February 2023
Joaquin Labella, co-founder of The Land Group, recently accompanied a foreign investor representative on a fact-finding tour of our flagship Uruguayan property, Villa Lucero, situated in the department of Tacuarembó in the north of the country.
This site visit, which took place in the second week of January, allowed to showcase our 9,000-hectare farm, including its 7,000-strong cattle herd, 1,000 hectares of soybean, 600 hectares of rice, and 75 hectares of eucalyptus, as well as its comprehensive cattle and crop management facilities.
Our visitor had the opportunity to meet The Land Group's operations team and learn first-hand the challenges and opportunities involved in investing in and running a regenerative mixed-product farmland property in Uruguay. We are delighted he was able to personally witness the extraordinary amount of care and attention to detail that we put into operating Villa Lucero's cattle and crop businesses and improving its soils, infrastructure, and water resources.
We look forward to working with this investor and welcoming more prospective clients interested in visiting our local operations in Uruguay.
Feel free to contact us if you wish to meet our team and visit our portfolio properties.